When I visit your church, how should I dress?
Business casual and casual is very acceptable.

What should I expect when I visit?
Friendly people. After that, a simple music and prayer time with a morning teaching. Our teachings are based on the Bible, learning God’s principles and how to apply them to our daily life.

What Bible do you use?
Many of our people use the NIV. Some use other translations like the Complete Jewish Bible or King James. Our teacher uses the NIV, Jewish Study Bible, or Tree of Life Version as a starting point but also uses Hebrew and Greek texts as needed. He will often point out when the texts differ from the original languages. Regardless of what version you use, our goal is to help you understand the Scriptures in their original intent and beauty.

You say you are somewhat traditional but informal. What does that mean?
Our worship contains traditional music and community prayer. Our emphasis is on teaching. Teaching is delivered informally, and necessarily in a sermon format

How can I learn more about Cairo Church?
First, come and visit. We promise a no pressure visit. Second, look over some of our documents on our website. We will be posting various teachings from time to time. Third, contact us. We will gladly explain who we are.

What do you mean by ancient faith, or historic faith?
Consider this: the Newer Testament is between 50 and 80% Older Testament quotes or references. Many NT texts can be traced to OT references. About 60% of our Bible is made up of the Older Testament. To ignore the Older Testament means we ignore a large portion of God’s teaching for our lives. To understand the Newer Testament, we must have a good understanding of the Older Testament. The Bible was written by Jews, originally intended for the Jew, and based in Jewish culture and understanding. Our goal is to present teachings based on the Hebrew Heritage of our present faith.

Cairo Church is Israel Friendly?
Yes we are. We have not replaced Israel. We believe the Hebrews to be God’s chosen people. However, God made a way of salvation for all people. All of us have a place in God’s Kingdom.

You worship on Sunday, but claim to be based in Hebrew faith. How?
We have formal worship on Sunday, but Sunday is not the Sabbath. We believe the Sabbath was established by God in Genesis, and has not changed. We should worship God every day of our lives. For those desiring a deeper understanding, we have a Torah Study on Friday evenings. Torah study usually is active during the school year

Why do you sometimes refer to Jesus as Yeshua?
The original Hebrew name for Messiah is Yeshua. Unfortunately, when they translated that name over to the Greek and English texts, they used a Greek word that was close. Mary and Joseph would have called Him Yeshua. We do likewise out of respect and honor for Him. Why not use His real name?

Is this a Jewish congregation?
Simply put, no. We are a people who value the Word of God and seek to know Him in His fullness. We offer traditional Sunday worship and Friday evening Torah Study. Yeshua said the Older Testament is not dead and God’s teachings will remain until the end of time. It is our desire to know His Word in both testaments. Our teachings are exegetical. While we are not a Jewish congregation, we do respect, teach, and honor the Jewish festival days. There are many customs, practices and elements of the Jewish faith that will be profitable of us to know in living out our daily faith.

Can we be saved by obedience to the Law?
No. Salvation comes only through Yeshua (Jesus). The Law was never a means of salvation. The Law teaches what sin is, how to please God, who God is, the principles of God and defines evil and good

Are you a part of a larger movement?
We are independent. Our church is independent, and our Torah Group is independent. We have chosen not to join in some of the more popular Hebrew Roots or Messianic groups for various reasons. Our emphasis is on the Word, understanding that Word in the light of Hebrew history, culture, and meaning.